Skilled Trades Careers

How SkillHero Can Help Students Crush Their Summer Goals

DateJuly 1, 2024
construction summer job

While summer is a great time to relax or go on adventures, many students find themselves wanting to use the warm months to get ahead in their career.

This valuable time often passes too quickly, but SkillHero can help students get started in skilled trades with our free app’s powerful features and resources.

SkillHero recognizes the immense potential that lies within each student, and we understand that everyone moves at their own pace. So whether you want to work on your resume a bit or start applying for apprenticeships, SkillHero is always available when you have time and energy to spare.

Here’s an outline of some of the best ways the app can help students increase their opportunities throughout the summer.

Leverage SkillHero's connections to find peers and mentors

SkillHero's “Connections” tab gives you access to a network of current and aspiring skilled trades professionals. Whether you want to connect with beginners to share your experience or you’d like to find a mentor to guide you with practical advice, you can find them and reach out directly via SkillHero’s connections.

You can visit the profiles of other SkillHero users and direct message them to reach out, or just follow them to get inspiration from their skilled trade journey.

As your career develops, networking becomes even more important. Having a circle of professionals in your trade and within the broader industry will help you stay ahead of trends and find the best opportunities for your skill and preferences.

Create or optimize your skilled trade resume

As a skilled trade professional your resume is the first step towards ideal employment. It's a chance to showcase your expertise, highlight your achievements, and demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Crafting a resume that truly reflects your abilities can be a game-changer in your career journey.

Whether you're a seasoned electrician or a beginner plumber, your resume should be a testament to your diligence and the value you can bring to an employer. By focusing on your technical proficiencies, hands-on experience, and any specialized certifications or training, you can craft a resume that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

For a full breakdown of how to write, optimize, and share a trade resume on SkillHero, follow these instructions. All you need to do is fill out as much information as possible in the Profile tab, and then export your resume or share it directly via SkillHero.

Apply for apprenticeships and other jobs

If you’re ready to start your career, there’s no reason to delay. Apprenticeships and other entry-level jobs are where all great careers start, and trades come with the benefit of getting to earn while you learn as a beginner.

Once you’ve navigated to the Opportunities tab, you can use a keyword search to find relevant jobs and/or apply one or more filters. Within a few minutes you’ll be able to find the most relevant opportunities for you.

You can export your SkillHero resume as a PDF to apply anywhere, but you may find what you’re looking for within our database of opportunities. With a few taps or clicks you can send your resume to employers who are actively looking for workers with your interest and level of experience.

Discover your ideal career path

SkillHero’s career explorer tab contains a massive amount of detailed information about all of the skilled trades. Whether your priority is income, educational requirements, work flexibility, or anything else, you’ll find everything summarized neatly on our trade pages.

For deeper dives into specific topics and trades, there are relevant articles and other resources linked on every trade page.

If you’re interested in a trade career but don’t have a specific job in mind, this may be the best place to start. You might also benefit from these articles on choosing a career path, the fastest growing skilled trades, and the highest paying skilled trades in America.

If you’re still in the planning phases, a few hours of reading on SkillHero will help put the wheels in motion.

Find programs to gain certifications and other credentials

Specialized certifications and credentials can be a valuable investment in your professional development. There are many programs available that allow you to enhance your skills and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers or clients.

Whether you're looking to deepen your knowledge in a specific field or broaden your capabilities, finding the right certification program can open up new opportunities. These credentials show your commitment to continuous learning and your dedication to staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

By pursuing certifications, you can strengthen your resume and position yourself as a knowledgeable and credible professional. Prospective employers or partners will appreciate the extra effort you've put into developing your skills and qualifications.

You can find training and certification options in both the Opportunities tab and the TradeWorld tab. We add new listings regularly, so be sure to check regularly if you’re looking for something specific.

Investing in your professional development through certification programs is a wise choice that can pay dividends throughout your career. It can help you become more specialized in your field, and even equip you to pivot to other specializations as needed.